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Post Hurricane Updates & Goings On - Pinellas County

10/17/2024 6:06 PM | Anonymous

Good day everyone!


I don’t know about anyone else but I am thrilled with some actual Fall like weather.  If we are dealing with no power, cutting, picking up, raking, trimming, pulling, dragging whatever, it sure makes it a tad more bearable to be doing it in temps in the 60’s versus the mid 90’s.  It is a bright spot along our road to recovery.  Below is information I thought might be of interest or beneficial to you.


Feeding Tampa Bay

Please visit their website https://feedingtampabay.org/ways-we-serve/disaster-relief the information is updated daily.  They are offering food distribution events as well as food pantries .



Pinellas Update: Operation Blue Roof assistance available for residents with roof damage


Pinellas County residents with roof damage from Hurricane Milton can get a temporary blue tarp to prevent further damage by signing up for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA’s Operation Blue Roof program through Tuesday, Nov. 5.


Impacted residents can sign up online at BlueRoof.gov or by calling at 888-ROOF-BLU (888-766-3258). You will need a driver’s license or other proof of residency.


This program is for primary residences or a permanently occupied rental property with less than 50% structural damage. Vacation rental properties are not eligible for this program. Roofs that are flat or made of metal or clay, slate, or asbestos tile do not qualify. The roof must be standard roof shingles, or similar material that will allow contractors to nail the tarp in place. Contractors will consider repairs to metal roofs and mobile homes on a case-by-case basis and will install the cover if possible.


Operation Blue Roof will remove homeowner tarps installed and minor debris to allow for proper installation. Any large items of debris, such as a tree, must be removed from the roof by the homeowner to be eligible for the program.


For more information on Operation Blue Roof, visit BlueRoof.gov. Stay up to date on Pinellas County storm recovery efforts at disaster.pinellas.gov.



Insurance Village


An insurance village is operating at the Long Center at 1501 N. Belcher in Clearwater is open where insurance agencies can help residents navigate filing insurance claims for damaged property.


Cooling Centers


A list of cooling center locations is available at www.disaster.pinellas.gov.


Fuel Distribution Sites


FDEM has opened public fuel distribution sites.  Additional information can be found at www.floridadisaster.org/disaster-updates/Hurricanemilton.



US Small Business Administration


The US Small Business Administration is offering low interest physical damage and economic injury loans.  Residents and businesses can visit www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance to apply and can contact disastercustomerservice@sba.gov or call 1-800-659-2955 for assistance.



Discounted Rides


Lyft has activated the Lyft Up Disaster Response Program to provide free and discounted rides to help those in affected areas travel to and from designated shelters with critical resources. Riders can use code MILTONRELIEF24 for two rides up to $25 to and from state-approved shelters.



Florida Commerce – Unemployment Assistance


Florida Commerce has opened Disaster Unemployment Assistance that helps people who lose their job as a direct result of a declared disaster. For more information visit floridajobs.org.



There is a lot more information available daily at www.disaster.pinellas.gov







Stacy O’Donnell

Executive Aide, Commissioner Dave Eggers

Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners

315 Court Street, Clearwater, FL 33756


Office (727) 464-3276


All government correspondence is subject to public record law.



Tampa Bay Free Beaches
Post Office Box 951
Palm Harbor, FL 34682


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