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Win $100 with a Towel Photo

05/13/2024 12:49 PM | Anonymous

In case you missed it, Linnea Hall of St. Petersburg, FL won our first towel contest. She submitted this photograph of her holding one of our awesome towels the furthest distance from the Tampa Bay Area - in Seattle, WA. That'd be about 2,600 miles away for those of you playing at home.

For her efforts, Ms. Hall won a cool $100. If YOU would like to win $100, enter our current Towel Photo Contest.

Between now and August, send us a photo of as many people as possible standing BEHIND a TBFB towel. At least one arm or one leg or the upper-half or the bottom-half of a body must be covered by the towel.

Sending a photo of planet earth peeking from one side of the towel will result in prolonged public ridicule. Otherwise, the winner and photo will be published in the August newsletter.

Send your photos to editor@tampabayfreebeaches.org.

You can acquire one of our towels in an array of tropical colors or a modest donation by clicking here.

Tampa Bay Free Beaches
Post Office Box 951
Palm Harbor, FL 34682


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